6. We collect and use information in line with our Privacy Policy . By using this website, you agree to the way in which we collect and use your information.
7. You cannot use this website:
A. is your own original work or you are authorized to provide it to the Website and that you have the right to give us permission to use it for the purposes set out in these terms;
B. will not contain or promote anything illegal, harmful, misleading, abusive, defamatory (that is, it does not damage someone's good reputation) or anything else that might cause widespread offence or bring us or our business partners into disrepute;
C. does not take away or affect any other person's privacy rights, contract rights or any other rights;
D. does not contain any virus or other code that may damage, interfere with or otherwise adversely affect the operation of the Website;
E. will, if used to promote your own business or services, clearly and openly state your association with the particular business expressly;
F. will not contain any form of mass-mailing or spam.
This website is provided by Ionos.com. Ionos shall have the right to scan messages sent using the contact form on this website manually and automatically and to store such messages. Any personal data you include in such messages may be (a) used by Ionos for purposes reasonably associated with provision of this website and services, (b) disclosed where disclosure is required by law, and (c) used where any of your actions have breached these Conditions of Use. Personal data may be used by Ionos in an aggregated form as permitted by applicable law
A. there will be no problems with how you use the website; or
B. the computer or server you use to log on to the website is free of viruses or other harmful programs
a. profits;
b. business or business opportunities;
c. savings you expect to make;
d. goodwill;
e. use of, or corruption to information; or
f. information.
a. using or relying on the website;
b. not being able to use the website;
c. any mistake, fault, failure to do something, missing information, or virus on the website or if it does not work
properly because of incidents outside of our control such as (but not limited to) interruptions to communication and
networks and circumstances beyond our control;
d. theft, destruction of information or someone getting access to our records, programs or services without our
e. goods, products, services or information received through or advertised on any website which we link to from this
website; or
f. any information, data, message or other material which you email, post, upload, reproduce, send, or otherwise
distribute or receive using the website.
The laws of the state of Arkansas (without reference to its conflict of laws principles) apply to your use of the website and these conditions. We control the website from within the United States. However, you can get access to the website from other places around the world. Although, these places may have different laws from the laws of the state of Arkansas, by using the website you agree that the laws of the state of Arkansas will apply to everything relating to you using the website and you agree to keep to these laws. We have the right to take you to court in the country and/ or state that you live in.
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